Going postal
Promeses d'un sol ús
Wet Piece
Any Book
Completar un puzle
Plantar les llavors de casa
Com tornar a casa a caminant
Why don't we bake cookies together
Statement i bio
Coses que vull dir sobre un hivernacle
Com resumir sis mesos
Plantar un camp de tulipes
CV artístic complet
How to conquer space
Stronger than air, thinner than ice
Els Altres
Stronger than air, thinner than ice
(2019) | Instal.lació performativa i site-specific | 22 min
Tercera formalització del meu projecte de màster sobre l'exploració espacial que va consistir, en aquest cas, en una peça que combinava l'art sonor, la performance i el videoart. Aquesta peça va ser dissenyada en col.laboració amb l'Observatori Astronòmic de Gant i instal.lada com a experiència 'site-specific' a l'interior de la cúpula del seu terrat.

Al llarg de la peça, una veu narra a l'espectador una història dividida en quatre capítols que reflexionen, com en la resta del projecte, sobre les formes en què conquerim espais.
Stronger than air, thinner than ice
(2019) | Site-specific performative installation | 22 min
Performative sound and audiovisual installation that was designed to be experienced inside the dome of the Astronomical Observatory of Ghent (as my final master project presentation).

The original piece lasted 22 minutes. In it, a recorded voice guided the spectators through a story that reflected on how we conquer and relate to new spaces. During one week, I played the piece every evening, in several sessions in which a group of a maximum of 8 people entered into the dome to experience the piece together.

This performative installation combined moments of complete darkness with dia slide projections and a video played on a monitor where the astronomers usually observe the night sky.

As this was a site-specific piece, I adapted the last part of the story into the video I present here (“Possessing landscapes”), as I felt that it could stand as a short film on its own (click on the Vimeo logo to watch in full-screen):
Com conquerir l'espai
Recuperar els llençols de Manchester
First and Last Page
Tough, reliable and almost cuddly
To plant a flying garden
The Living Wardrobe