Going postal
Promeses d'un sol ús
Wet Piece
Any Book
Completar un puzle
Plantar les llavors de casa
Com tornar a casa a caminant
Why don't we bake cookies together
Statement i bio
Coses que vull dir sobre un hivernacle
Com resumir sis mesos
Plantar un camp de tulipes
CV artístic complet
How to conquer space
Stronger than air, thinner than ice
Els Altres
Com conquerir l'espai
Recuperar els llençols de Manchester
First and Last Page
Tough, reliable and almost cuddly
To plant a flying garden
Plantar un jardí volador
(2021) | Vídeo, HD | 17:05 min.
El punt de partida d’aquest vídeo és el ram de flors que el meu pare va recollir per primera vegada durant el període de confinament, quan una de les poques raons per sortir de casa era anar a regar els horts urbans. Aquest ram es va convertir en l’únic testimoni de la naturalesa que creixia a l’exterior. Un detall que desencadenarà una connexió entre l’espai íntim d’una llar amb la gran escala de l’espai exterior.

La recerca inicial d’aquest projecte va ser duta a terme durant una residència artística d’un mes a Roeselare (Bèlgica), gràcies al projecte cultural de cooperació europea Sounds of Our Cities. Va ser presentat en l'exposició "What's behind that silence?", Roeselare (Bèlgica) i projectat a La Escocesa, Barcelona.

Podeu veure el vídeo a través d'aquest
To plant a flying garden
(2021) | Video, HD | 17:05 min.
The starting point of this video is the first bouquet of flowers that my father collected during lockdown, when one of the only reasons to leave the house was to water vegetable gardens. This bouquet became a proof that nature was growing out there, behind the limits of my house. A detail that triggered a connection in between the intimate space of a house and the big scale of outer space exploration.

This project was developed during a one-month art residency in Roeselare (Belgium), as part of the European project of cultural cooperation Sounds of Our Cities. It was presented in the exhibition "What's behind that silence?", Roeselare (Belgium) and screened in a special event in La Escocesa, Barcelona.

You can watch the video through this
Below these lines, some images of the screening in La Escosesa (Barcelona), September 2021. The screening was organized by Idensitat and curated by Irati Irulegi.
The Living Wardrobe