Going postal
Promeses d'un sol ús
Wet Piece
Any Book
Completar un puzle
Plantar les llavors de casa
Com tornar a casa a caminant
Why don't we bake cookies together
Statement i bio
Coses que vull dir sobre un hivernacle
Com resumir sis mesos
Plantar un camp de tulipes
CV artístic complet
Plantar un camp de tulipes
“Plantar un camp de tulipes” parteix d’intentar calcular quants entrepans m’ha preparat la meva mare al llarg de tota la meva vida i, sobretot, quant temps ha dedicat a fer-ho. Mitjançant uns càlculs aproximats i inexactes, vaig calcular que m’havia preparat uns 5100 entrepans, que implicava uns 30.600 minuts (unes 510 hores) fent entrepans sense parar.

A partir d’aquí, em plantejava formes possibles de retornar aquesta dedicació. Vaig decidir fer-ho redissenyant el paisatge que la meva mare veu des de la finestra de l’habitació traçant una línia de tulipes grogues, les seves flors preferides, en el penya-segat que es veu des de casa.

El projecte va quedar recollir en un vídeo ("Plantar un camp de tulipes") que explica la idea, desenvolupament i resultat de l'acció.

To plant a field of tulips
This project was triggered by the attempt to estimate how many sandwiches my mother had prepared for me throughout all my life and, more specifically, how much time she had spent doing so. Following approximate calculations, I estimated that she had prepared around 5.100 sandwiches, which equates to 30.600 minutes (510 hours) making sandwiches.

Taking this idea one step further, I wondered whether there was a way, for me, to return all this dedication. I decided to do so by redesigning the landscape that my mother sees every day from the window of her room: planting a line of bulbs of yellow tulips, her favorite flower, on the cliff that we see from home.

With this action, I was hoping that —if the tulips grew— my mother would see, every day, a line of yellow tulips from her window. The project was formalized in one video (“To plant a field of tulips”) that explained the idea, development, and outcome of the action.

(2017-2019) Acció i vídeo
(2017-2019) Action and installation
How to conquer space
Stronger than air, thinner than ice
Els Altres
Com conquerir l'espai
Recuperar els llençols de Manchester
First and Last Page
Above, some images of the process. Below, stills from the video "To plant a flying garden" (2019) | Video (color, sound) | 17:50 min.

Tough, reliable and almost cuddly
To plant a flying garden
The Living Wardrobe