
Going postal
Promeses d'un sol ús
Wet Piece
Any Book
Completar un puzle
Plantar les llavors de casa
Com tornar a casa a caminant
Why don't we bake cookies together
Statement i bio
Em vaig adonar com, des que em trobava a Manchester, sempre portava galetes amb mi, per tal de no haver-me de comprar snacks al bar cada cop que tenia gana. Com a estudiant d’Erasmus – estudiant en un lloc on al principi no coneixia a ningú – el simple acte d’oferir una galeta a algú es va convertir en una oportunitat per parlar i conèixer millor a gent.

M’agradava la idea d’entendre l’acte de compartir galetes com a un punt d’inici d’una conversa, que va ser important per a mi al principi de l’estada.
Portant aquesta idea més lluny, vaig començar a demanar a gent de cuinar galetes amb mi, compartir un moment junts. És una idea simple: tu tries la recepta, jo porto els ingredients. Cuinem, mengem, parlem.

Per a desenvolupar el projecte vaig realitzar un esdeveniment al Facebook i 120 serigrafies del cartell que vaig dissenyar, que vaig penjar per la universitat. Vaig tenir la oportunitat de realitzar 11 sessions amb 13 persones diferents. El projecte es va acabar quan vaig deixar Manchester i es troba recollit en una publicació autoeditada.
Why don't we bake cookies together
Coses que vull dir sobre un hivernacle
Com resumir sis mesos
Plantar un camp de tulipes
CV artístic complet
Why don't we bake cookies together
During my time in Manchester I realised that, since I was there, I always carried cookies with me: they had become part of my new routine. As a student in a new university where, at first, I did not know anyone; I realised that a simple act like offering a cookie represented an opportunity to start a conversation, which was really useful during my first months there.

Some months later, I decided to take this idea further and I proposed to people I did not know to bake cookies together. The idea was simple: the guest would bring the recipe and I would bring the ingredients. We baked, ate and talked. And these sessions became a good excuse to interact with people that otherwise I would have probably never met.

I shared the proposal through 200 posters that I hung around the city and through social media. The project ended when I left Manchester and it was summarized in a self-published publication.
Above, the design I made for the proposal. Below, Installation view in the "Indentical Lunch" exhibition, MMU Grosvenor Gallery (Manchester), March 2017:
(2017) | Instal.lació. Publicació autoeditada i galetes. | Mides variables | Manchester
(2017) | Installation. Publication and cookies. | Dimensions variable | Manchester
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